Saturday, January 31, 2009

Oh my goodness.

I now have to post 5/343, 6/343, 7/343 and 8/343.

But, I have unfortunately been sick for the past 3 days, so I will get around to uploading some pictures tomorrow, I promise.

Talk to you all later :]

Monday, January 26, 2009


Okay, so I'm still slacking :P
But here are 2/343, 3/343 and 4/343

They're not all new, but they're pictures that are part of my life :] Starting tomorrow I'll post a new picture.

This year's [11th grade] school picture!

Many of you may not know this, but I am a HUGE Kelly Clarkson fan, and I got to meet her in 2005!

Some of the food we serve at work. I work at a tea room, so they're tiny sandwiches. We change our sandwiches occasionally too. If any of you are ever in PA, come by and visit me!

Friday, January 23, 2009


my "puppy" since I can't get a real one :P
It's one of those "breathing" puppies.
I named her Kaycee :]
Why not 365.
Cause I'm a procrastinator, that is why my friends :]

I decided to steal a couple other people's idea and try to put a new picture up every day, because I think it will be good to look back on, but I also decided on January 23, which means 22 days are out the window :P

So starting today [the first picture will be on later after I go out] there will be a new picture, maybe of me, maybe of people I love, or maybe just of random things I see throughout my day and decide it would make a good picture :]